Silo Tank Park

Auckland / New Zealand

Wynyard Quarter, Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland.


Stage 2 of the Tank Park on the Tāmaki Makaurau waterfront is a re-utilised public-realm project. Switch was engaged to inject playful, activated elements, using our technical and design capabilities to create aesthetic and colour tastefully.

The site has an industrial foundation and connects key waterfront destinations, playing a vital role in establishing mixed-use development in the area.

Completed in collaboration with award-winning landscape and urban architects LandLAB, civil engineers Beca, and project managers Altacon for the client Paunuku development Auckland.


This project won an international 2022 Monocle Design Award for most resourceful re-use project.


This project was a finalist in the Best Design Awards 2022 and won Gold.


Photos courtesy of Sam Hartnett.